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[ Cocos 2d Example ] ActionManagerTest

Cocos 2d Example에 있는 ActionManagerTest에 대한 설명이다. ( 아직은 미완성 ) 

우선, 두가지 클래스에 대한 설명. 

package : org.cocos2d.nodes ( extends java.lang.object)
class : CCDirector (Singleton Object)

Class that creates and handles the main Window and manages how and when execute scenes.
The CCDirector is also resoponsibile for
 - Initializing the OpenGlES context.
 - Setting the OpenGLES pixel format (default on is RGB565)
 - Setting the OpenGLES buffer depth (default one is 0bit)
 - Setting the projection (default is 2d)
 - Setting the orientation (default is portrate)

주요 method 
 - attachInView(View view) - boolean : attach in UI View Using the full frame.
 - sharedDirector() - CCDirector : return a shared instance of the director
 - runWidthScene(Scene scene) - void : Enter the Directors main loop with the given CCScene. Call it to run only your First CCScene. Dont't call it if there is already accessing CCScene.

출처 : Cocos2d 소스 파일  https://github.com/ZhouWeikuan/cocos2d

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